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Theoretical AMO physicist,



Working on quantum many-body systems from an energy sciences and quantum technology perspective, more on the analytical side, but always with a diversity of experimental platforms and applications in mind.

My research interest is at the intersection of physics, chemistry and biology: using tools from quantum theory, I aim to characterize non-equilibrium dynamics following light-matter interaction, exciton physics, and quantum properties of matter.


Donostia International

Physics Center

Isolated many-body systems
and exciton physics
Dynamics of open systems

- Signature of composite bosons during Bose-Einstein condensation

- Quantum control of strongly coupled quantum systems


- Connecting the quantum and classical representations of thermal equilibrium


- Linking sunlight to laser pulses


- Quantum Simulation of Many-body decoherence


- Role of nuclear dynamics in quantum transport


- Role of the excitation conditions on quantum transport


- Non-linear spectroscopy


- Structure of light-harvesting systems and influence of transport properties

- A systematic link between structure and physical properties


Last update: Jan. 2019


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